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InSite Constructor Base1

InSite Constructor Base1

InSite Constructor Publisher's Description

InSite Constructor is a HomeSite style HTML editor made from scratch for BeOS

Here is a short summary of InSite Constructor features

  • Context sensitive menus that provide possible tags, attributes and values as you type
  • Tag inspector provides a quick and easy access to all possible attributes and their values for the tag you placed your cursor into. For easy modification of the values it provides
    • value selector for attributes where the language defines a set of possible values
    • color selector for colors
    • switches for yes/no values
  • The whole system is made from scratch to support both case sensitive and case insensitive languages - it supports all HTML and X(HT)ML languages
  • Toolbar with most often used HTML tags (if you are writing an HTML document it inserts the tags in HTML style, if you are writing an XHTML document then it uses XHTML style - case sensitivity)
  • User editable tag definition files (language plug-ins) - new mark-up languages (HTML, XHTML, etc.) can be added and current modified easily
  • User editable "programming" language definition files - new programming languages can be added and current modified easily
  • Real-time parser that checks your tags as you type them
  • File managers with drag&drop support for adding images and links. (It completes the width and height attributes for images and will provide more in the future)
  • HTML validator by WWW Consortium
  • Special character (entity) selector
  • Table wizard and Quick-table tool
  • Syntax highlighting, completely customizable key bindings (short-cuts), pair tag completition, unlimited undo, redo, regular expression search through documents and lots more ...
  • InSite Tag & Language Editor - editor of the mark-up and "programming" language definition files
  • Easy localization thanks to its localization layer. All texts in the program are gathered in one text file and translating the file localizes the whole program.
  • Made from scratch for BeOS :-)
Supported languages - language plug-ins distributed with InSite Constructor
(Others may be created easily using InSite Tag & Language Editor)
  • Mark-up languages - HTML 4 (Strict, Transitional and Frameset DTD's) and XHTML 1 (Strict, Transitional and Frameset DTD's)
  • "Programming" languages - ASP, AWK, Assembler, C++, Cascade Style Sheets, Clipper, Cobol, ColdFusion, Csh, C#, Eiffel, Oracle Express, Flash 5 Action Script, Fortran, Java, JavaScript, Lingo, MS SQL Server 7, MakeFile, Modula 2, MySQL, Oracle 8 SQL, PHP, PHP with Oracle extensions, PL/SQL, Pascal, Perl, PostScript, Progress 8, Python, Python 4, Rexx, SQL, SQR, Server Side Includes (SSI), Swift, Sybase SQL, TCL, TCL with Vignette StoryServer extensions, TSP, TclTk, TeX, Transact-SQL, VRML, Visual Basic, WAP phones WML 1.1

Available localizations: Deutsch (German), Eesti (Estonian), French, Italiano (Italian), Polski (Polish), Russian. Others are in work.

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